In this seminar, we will examine current trends and thoughts about assessing students. In particular, we will look at comparing formative and summative assessments, and we will discuss mastery grading, sustainable assessment, and ungrading.
Biggs, J. (1999) What the Student Does: teaching for enhanced learning, Higher Education Research & Development, 18:1, 57-75, DOI: 10.1080/0729436990180105
Boud, D. (2000). Sustainable assessment: rethinking assessment for the learning society. Studies in Continuing Education, 22 (2), 151-167
Boud, D., & Soler, R. (2016). Sustainable assessment revisited. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(3), 400-413.
Dolin, J., Black, P., Harlen, W., & Tiberghien, A. (2018). Exploring relations between formative and summative assessment. In Transforming assessment (pp. 53-80). Springer, Cham.
Gallardo, K. (2021). The importance of assessment literacy: Formative and summative assessment instruments and techniques. In Workgroups eAssessment: Planning, Implementing and Analysing Frameworks (pp. 3-25). Springer, Singapore.
Guskey, T.R. (2005) Formative Classroom Assessment and Benjanmin S. Bloom: Theory, Research, and Implications. Online Submission.
Lau, A. M. S. (2016). ‘Formative good, summative bad?’–A review of the dichotomy in assessment literature. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(4), 509-525.